Heart Radical: A Memoir, to be published by She Writes Press in fall 2021

Many of you know that this book has been two decades in the making (if you count the period I lived in China and free-wrote about so many of my experiences that eventually became chapters in the book). Then, I went to grad school from 2004-2006, and like many an optimistic MFA-er, hoped I could publish it in a couple years (insert maniacal laughter). I started sending it out to agents in 2008; realized it needed major work; sent it out some more in 2010; had a baby and shelved it for several years; started revising and sending it out in earnest again (to agents and later, mostly to small presses) from 2015-2019. Along the way I got both encouraging and discouraging feedback. I’ve had presses hold onto it for around a year as editors closely considered it, and I've sent it to maybe 120 presses and agents over time. I’ve never given up on it, always trusting that I’d get it out there eventually, even if I chose to self-publish, but nonetheless still hoping to go with a good press in order to reach more people.
Then, it won runner-up in Kore Press's memoir contest judged by Cheryl Strayed in 2018, and that same year I was offered a publishing deal by a small press—but they later rescinded the offer, a bullet dodged, and a story not worth recounting here. Then, it was a finalist in SheWrites/Spark Press's contest in 2019. It didn't win, but SheWrites reached out with a wonderful offer nevertheless, and a few months later, I signed the contract!
Meanwhile, I’ve learned so many life lessons and writing-process lessons along the way. Lessons about learning to trust in your voice and story and gut. Lessons about the many different paths to publishing, and the many different timelines to get there, much of which is not in your control. Lessons I will continue to share with you on this journey.

Anne Kellor